Saturday, May 30, 2009



Make sure that you have completed some previous exam papers as part of your final revision under strict time conditions. Also remember to have the answers (or mark scheme) on hand, it's no use thinking that you have the right answers. Even the most able students will make silly errors when working under time pressure. You need to make sure that you concentrate enough to keep the silly errors at a minimum and also ensure that there are no gaping holes in your maths skills.

Take a good look at the previous papers, they are unlikely to provide sufficient clues for you to be able to "predict" possible questions for your exam. However, they will help you to appreciate how examiners phrase the questions and help you appreciate the spread of knowledge you require. The questions sometimes contain clues which will help you solve them - remember the sort of clues which crop up and look out for these in your main exam. It's no good only revising part of what you have learned in maths. If you want to achieve a good grade, make sure that you can have a good attempt at all questions (even if you can't answer the generally trickier later parts of the questions, the earlier parts should be straightforward marks in the bag).

Strange as it may seem, maths is actually one of the easiest topics to revise - provided that you have understood what you have learned and have solved lots of problems along the way to help you reinforce your understanding. If you have done this then your maths revision should consist of testing yourself by doing past papers, identifying areas where you've forgotten what it's all about, solving more problems in your weak areas and that's it! No strings of dates or foreign verbs or properties of elements in the periodic table to memorise. Whatever you do, don't fall into the trap of thinking that maths is so easy that you don't really need to revise at all or you'll be in for a big shock!


Always check your work. Sometimes you can end up with silly errors and not realise it unless you check that your calculations are correct and that the answer is realistic. Statistics questions are notorious for containing calculation errors as there are normally quite a few numbers involved which need punching into your calculator. It's very easy to miss pressing a key on your calculator which can result in silly answers like saying that the distance from the Earth to the Sun is 14 Km or quoting an average age as 230!

Always read each question thoroughly. Don't just think "I know what this is all about" and trample through the question in your hob nailed boots - as you're very likely to come unstuck or make silly mistakes.

If you do a bit of maths before you start the exam it will be a great help, even though not all questions will have the same number of marks, it is a good idea to work out approximately how long you have to answer each question. E.g a 1 hour 45 minute exam with 19 questions allows about 5 minutes per question - so the last thing you want to do is linger for ages on a tricky question when there are others you could be answering and getting lots of marks for.

Always write down your method of obtaining answers - put down all thoughts you think are relevant. Correct answers do not always attract full marks - On a question worth 6 marks, even if your final answer is wrong it's still possible to get 5 out of 6 marks for showing your method!

Be wary of rushing through the questions you believe you know well, as a simple calculation error can throw you into confusion and dent your confidence. In particular double check figures calculated when drawing graphs and re-read the question to make sure you are not drawing the graph of y = 2x rather than x =2y!

Always check the question for Units (minutes, Kilometers etc.) and make sure that you use the correct units in your answer - remember to perform unit conversions if necessary. Also remember that answers in £ are always to 2 decimal places!

When calculating with minus numbers always show your working e.g. 2 - (-7) = 2 + 7 etc. Even experienced mathematicians make mistakes by missing minuses - make sure you don't.

Whenever you see a right-angled triangle in a diagram, no matter what the wording of the question, immediately think tan, sin, cos and Pythagoras. Then read the question properly and use these tools to get the answer.

When "Diagrams not to Scale" or something similar is seen next to a diagram - this means that you are expected to calculate the answer and not measure the lines with a ruler or try to estimate.

If you can't see how to do any part of a question, miss it out, but leave a gap in your answer book in case you can finish it later. If you are still stuck and time is getting short, then try guessing - you may get lucky.

Wish you luck !

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

some noise

sometimes what we hope cann't be real
and God gave that for we learn more
about life
life isn't flat
but life's colour what it make wonderfull

And thats finally,
smiling outside crying inside

no mood for blogging

udah empat hari ini aku ga ng-blog hmm
badmood badmood
i was sick sock suck.lols
udah sminggu juga ga k skola
yaaaampuuun hope get well soon yap

cause i've no mood for blogging more
i just write what i feel
i dunno what i must to do now
of course what i know that i want go from here
i dont get comfortable
pleaaaaseee take me go soooon !!
i wanna scream louder for tell

:'( i think it's just my temporary feels
but i'll always be prayin' about this
amin . hopefully

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

what i've learn about friends

whats talking about this noon?
i got have topic that's super friendship
do you know about friendship?
or do you have friends?
hopefully so many
well, whats the meaning of friendship?
true friends
who they are stand up with us
while we need, not stay just for fun
of course, because
friendship's everlasting and without requirment


A true friend never walks away
A true will always stay
A true friend looks out for you

A true friend will guard your secrets
Like a precious gift
A true friend is there for you
To give you a helpful lift

A true friend tries to make you smile
Tries to replace that frown
They may not always succeed
But they rarely let you down

These arms for you are open
This heart for you does care
And when I think you need me
I'll try to always be there

I'll listen to your fears
I promise not to laugh
Comfort your falling tears
I'll make this friendship last

I'll keep you near to my heart
I'll always hold you dear
Even when we're miles apart
Even when you're here

I hope I am to you
Everything you are to me
For the friendship we have
Is a special one indeed.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Today we celebrate National Rebirth Day, do you know about that?
i think not a good writter but i try tell to you. Lets enjoy read,

SETIAP tanggal 20 Mei, diperingati sebagai Hari Kebangkitan Nasional. Sejarah kita mencatat tokoh intelektual lokal pada masa itu, yakni dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, alumni Sekolah Dokter Jawa (STOVIA), memprakarsai pembentukan sebuah organisasi modern yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan.
Pada 20 Mei 1908, dia mengumpulkan para murid dari STOVIA, OSVIA, Sekolah Guru, Sekolah Pertanian, dan Sekolah Kedokteran Hewan di Jakarta, yang melahirkan Budi Utomo.

Dalam perjalanannya, Budi Utomo memang tidak lebih dari organisasi para priyayi Jawa dan kurang berperan dalam kancah politik maupun perjuangan kemerdekaan. Namun, gagasan mengenai perlunya membangun kesadaran berbangsa melalui pendidikan dan kebudayaan adalah terobosan pemikiran pada masa itu.
Semangat inilah yang terus berusaha dikumandangkan oleh para founding fathers republik dan para penerusnya demi menjaga dan memelihara persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa. Kini, yang menjadi pertanyaan kita: dalam situasi bangsa yang seperti sekarang ini, ketika arus disintegrasi menguat dan segala urusan senantiasa diwarnai nuansa SARA, masihkah makna Hari Kebangkitan Nasional 20 Mei 2008 relevan?

Jujur saja, mungkin banyak di antara kita yang ragu menjawab bahwa nilai-nilai itu masih relevan, apalagi melihat fakta bahwa apa yang terjadi di lapangan sangat berbeda antara bumi dan langit dengan nilai-nilai yang ingin ditanamkan. Terutama di tengah-tengah situasi di mana kualitas hidup yang dijalani sebagian besar rakyat Indonesia semakin menurun, sementara sebagian lainnya makin makmur dan sejahtera. Kesenjangan itu sangat nyata, bukan saja antar masyarakat, tetapi juga antar daerah.
Artinya, bila pertanyaan mengenai relevansi Kebangkitan Nasional itu menguat, berarti juga merepresentasikan situasi di alam bawah sadar maupun alam sadar kita apakah masih relevan kita hidup bersama-sama sebagai satu bangsa, satu negara yang bernama Republik Indonesia?
Itulah pertanyaan besar dan sangat mendasar. Dan hal itu tidak bisa dijawab hanya melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang digalang oleh Kementrian Komunikasi dan Informatika dalam rangka Harkitnas 2007 ini. Kegiatan-kegiatan seremonial seperti itu tak lebih dari sekadar upaya mengingatkan bahwa 99 tahun lalu ada pergerakan untuk membangkitkan kesadaran masyarakat (di Jawa) mengenai sebuah nation, sebuah bangsa.
Kita setuju bahwa rasa persatuan dan kesatuan sebagai sesama bangsa Indonesia adalah aset, potensi, dan kekuatan yang dibutuhkan dalam menjaga keutuhan Republik Indonesia, dan dalam menghadapi berbagai krisis yang masih mencengkeram sampai saat ini. Namun bagaimana mewujudkan itu dalam kenyataan?

Kebangkitan Nasional

100 tahun kebangkitan nasional jadi motivasi buat kita smua utk jauh brkembang lebih baik lagi.
apa yg uda dilakuin oleh bapak kebangkitan nasional kita mungkin belum bisa kita bayar sepenuhnya. tapi stidaknya kita bisa tetap terus berusaha b
uat bangsa ini =)

bukan malah jadi remaja yg kaya begini :

tampang serabutan ga jelas yg kaya di atas. atau malah kaya gini nih :

Dont try this at your school okay, hihi

Lovely Teddy Bear

One night , he gave me something, do you know?
Bean's teddy and white roses
How cute it is.
i really like teddy so much.

i miss you ♥♥

B & B

Boring SO Boring


I'm sitting here in a boring room,
it's just another rainy sunday afternoon.
I'm waisting my time, I've got nothing to do,
I'm hanging around and I'm waiting for you,
but nothing ever happens and I wonder.

I'm driving around, in my car,
I'm driving too fast and I'm driving too far.
I'd like to change my point of view,
I feel so lonely, I'm waiting for you,
but nothing ever happens, and I wonder.

I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about the blue blue sky,
and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.
I'm turning my head, up and down,
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around,
and all that I can see is just another lemon tree.

I'm sitting here, I miss the pal,
I'd like to go out, taking a shower,
but there's a heavy cloud inside my head.
I feel so tired, put myself into bed.
Well nothing ever happens, and I wonder.

Isolation, is not good for me.
Isolation, I don't want to sit on a lemon tree.

I'm stepping around in the desert of joy,
maybe anyhow I get another toy,
and everything will happen, and you wonder.

I wonder how, I wonder why,
yesterday you talked about the blue blue sky,
and all that I can see is just another lemon tree.
I'm turning my head, up and down,
I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around,
and all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Long day

heyyy how a beautiful morning! i fill this journal again, how are ya today? may have be good okay. see, i will write someting what a quite is. i've stomatch trouble this morning so i didn't come to school my mom ask me for take a rest today. i'm really yes -__-

udah berapa bungkus wafer tango yg uda aku abisin. zeeeeeets ga pengen apa apaan selain tango. what happens to tango? it's just ordinary wafer right?

hahhaha like this picture tango cookies and cream. do you like it? this is yummyyy. by ingredients : wheat flavour, sugar, palm oil, milk powder, caramel colour, cookies & cream flavour and also vanilin. how a delicious cookies! hihi ada yang mauuu? berapa lapiss? ratusaaaaan! hahha yaampun garingnyaaaaaa :"( hahahhahhhahhaha

time's for lunch ! do you have a lunch? not yet exactly. makin hari uda ga ada mood makan nih kenapa yaaaah apa krna byk yg bilang gndutan jadi ngbikin psikis seseorang kena? atau krna day by day, the day's bored. aku harap pnyakit malas makan aku ga dateng dateng lagi.

13.10, lagu miley cyrus yang the climb di handphone aku bunyi, from : RadiTary yang isinya emoticon :(. dia knapa yah? hmm mudah mudahan gak terjadi apa apa. apa krna aku ga bls message nya yg terakhir yaa what i must to say
hmmmmm " i'm really sorry :( "

happy afternoon

bangun tidur dg masi d alam bawah sadar huahhaha. leye leye buat langsung mandi nih, sampe d skolah langsung upacara. pagi ini pmbina upacar nya si WP walkes sos 2. apaaan sihhh katanya, berwawasan lingkungan ama lingkungan hidup. satu lks geografi jadi topik pagi d smansa hari ini yg aku dger sih intinya " gunakan listrik scukupnya, matikan lampu yg tdk perlu, saya kira siswa smansa tdk ada yg rabun ". bahhahhahhahhahahaha

hmm plajaran prtama ekonomi sama pak gunawan aduhh ni walkes aku yg paling t o p begete dehh huehuehue ngerti banget siswa nya gimana. pas d tgh plajaran ak d panggil buat nyerahin dana prpisahan klas 3, eng ing eng smuanya tanpa sisa dana udah ak serahin. terus gatau knapa bu Milda tiba tiba marah k aku yg aku sndiri gatau krna apa. smuanya blank blank, ak ga ngrti ibu ini marah krna apa tiba tiba gini. ternyata krna klas dia udah bayar uang perpisahan nya tp ga ada confirm k notes nya aku, sdgkan notes ny uda ak serahin k wakasek, aku juga kaget bgt dger dia marah marah gitu, yaaaaampun tary sabaaaaar sabar walopun lumayan kesel. pagi yg ga nyengengin,hmmm.

huufh finally schoolin' time's finished today. so tired u know, but at last i'm so happy because him ;>
waaaa pulang skola hari ini kaya biasa tetap jam 3.15 soreeeeee damn it! capeeeek bgt sbn
arnya, hr ini ak ga bawa mobil jdnya ak d jemput krna bsk nya dia uda ga bisa sama sama aku lagi krna mesti ngkutin prtandingan. hmmm bakalan kangen lah pastinya yah walopun cuma sbntar yah tapi sama ajaaa judulnya kangen.

but my pray always for you.
wish you luck..
i miss you my Radit

Friday, May 15, 2009

Guten Morgen :)

muka kucel telat bangun

waaa today i wake up at 7 o'clock eng ing eng buru buru shlat subuh slagi sempet. pastinya kalo jam sgitu aku uda telattt masuk skolah, sariman satpam skolah uda ngunciin pagar nih akhirnyaaa judulnya aku ga skola hari ni hueheue. tapi sbnarnya jam 9an ntar ada talkshow ttg ubuntu.9.0 di univ. islam muhammadiyah dateng ga yahh? dateng - ngga- dateng - ngga? maleees. tp gimana yah bagusnya aku jadi confused bgt nih. ahh gimana ntar aja deh.

mendadak dak pengen nnton tapi smuanya pada sibuk, ihhh nyebelin bgt nih pagi.
7 things make me badmood this morning :

- ga bisa bles sms
- telat bangun jadinya ga masuk (pdahal pgen nya masuk sminggu full kali ini)
- curler hair aku rusaaaaaaaakkkk! aaaaaaarghh
- ga jelas nih talkshow ubuntu 9.0 itu
- bingung ikutan atau selonjoran d rumah? hmm
- acne di pipi kiri aku
- temen temen yang krg brsahabat

hari ini enaknya ngapain yaa? ngebosenin nih. jangan sampe ngabisin uang ga jelas, bnsin mobil yg d sia siain hahahhaha kok trkesan aku ny ngsave bgt yaaa. iyaaa! abisnya aku mo nabung ga mau foya foya buat hal yg ga jelas. mendingan aku manjain dri sendiri drpada kluyuran ga jlas. yaap! i know what i must to do today hihihihi bujukin mama k spa ahh uda sbulanan nih ga relaxing hihi asik asikkk .

terus artinya aku mesti ga ikutan seminar itu dongdong? ha? ha? yakiiiiin tary? yah d yakinin aja deh slama melangkahnya aman aman aja hahhahhahha tapi ntar pasti byk yg heran nihh. iihh byk bgt sindiran yg ga enak dg d dasari guyonan awalnya tapi kalo d telaah lebih jauh lagi nyakitin bgttt tuh.

yaa gimana ga bisa d bilang keadaan disana * i mean class, uda ga comfort lagi istilahnya ga asiiiiiik kompak sih tapi ga ada ssuatu yg ada d sana ngbikin aku interesting jadi d sana cuma duduk blajar dgerin plajaran apa lagi seat aku paling depan. so far so good but sometimes i'm not comfortable blum lagi intensitas care temen temen ga kaya dulu. kenapa yah? hmm who's care. are they caring to me? i don't think so. lol

Thursday, May 14, 2009


this picture taken by ; malibu 62 studio crew. april '09 for fashion photogenic malibu icon.
buat session yang ini awalnya aku sempet ogah ni soalnya plajaran uda byk tinggal, ga tau mesti d kejar ampe mana. tp yah ksempatan ga dateng dua kali kan ? excited bgt uda d plih jd salah satu icon. alhamdulillah. awalnya aku ga tau menau kalo d pjang d gallery nya malibu gatau nya ak tau dari temen temen kaget dong ga ada confirm sblumnya. yah so far i'm happy ;>

hari buat prepare mndadak bgtt. smua nya serba handmade hihi. yah aku kira hasilnya ga bakal bagus nih kalo prepare kaya gini. gatau nya lumayan deh hehe, capek bgt sampe magrib gitu. mana papa mama lagi ga disini jadi cuma d temenin mbak deh, crew nya asik asik jd ak nya ga bete . finally. itu skilas d balik shoot ini. god bless me,*